
So, like other blogger-to-blogger awards, there is a short q&a and a pay-it-forward element (for this award, there are 8 nominees):

1) If you could change something what would you change?

This is such a broad question, is it about what I would change about myself? Or The world? We are going to go with the world. I know that it is on it’s way, but I would change how we are dealing with marriage and marriage equality.

Everyone would get civil unions (You get a civil union. YOU Get a Civil Union! YOU Get A CIVIL UNION! EVERY-ONE GETS A CIVIL UNION!) and our government would step out of the religious aspects of “Marriage”. Then religious organizations and other groups could confer the title of “marriage” on whoever met their specific criteria.

2) If you could repeat an age, what age would it be?

I can’t really think of an age that I would like to repeat. I’m pretty glad to be done with my 20’s, I know I don’t want to go back and go through all the hormonal changes of my teenage years, and the early years. Um . . . no thanks.

3) What one thing really scares you?


Seriously. I can’t walk on grates. Freak me out.

4) What one dream have you not completed yet and do you think you will be able to complete it?

I would like to sell my art professionally.

5) If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?

I don’t know how to answer that. It’s very “being john malkovich” and that kind of creeps me out. So instead, If I could spend the day with someone I would pick Kevin Smith.

Blogs I Nominate (seriously, go check them out!)


What A Witch Real. Raw. Bigger than life.


Leanne Cole Photography I love the broad scope of work here.


Intuition Watch his video. Don’t even bother trying to not cry.


Center Pull Photography a daily challenge of a relatively new photographer.


Draw And Shoot I find this work very inspiring


Knocked Over By A Feather a frank and honest look at living with depression.


Grown and Curvy Woman Fun and Fashion!

Thank you! To Band Camp Stories for nominating me. Check out her blog. She does some amazing photography!

6 thoughts on “R.E.A.L.I.T.Y.

  1. Pingback: Resting ReWork « Leanne Cole Photography

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