
I have been creating art as long as I can remember. My medium has changed over the years. I have dabbled in writing, and I spent many a happy year drawing. However my drawing muse is currently silent and I find pen and paper painful. But photography is a true love and I am in tune with my photography muse.

There came a point where I was watching my Girlfriend T- take up photography and I was thrilled. It was a way we could share how we see the world, and it was a way to connect. Then I saw her photography improve by leaps and bounds, because of her job she was taking pictures every day. And I got jealous.

Then I came to my senses and realized that nothing by my own laziness was stopping me from doing the same. So October 2012 started Rose Colored Photography – a personal blog and challenge. Find something to photograph every day. Some days I get more subjects than I can post – others I get nothing. I had a few months where I just stopped altogether.

My goal is to improve and share my love of photography. And I have done that. And I have learned more about myself in the process.  Anyone who knows me is aware that sometimes I get lost in the details of things.

When I am focusing on a task or outcome I get tunnel vision. If someone or something does not impact the task or outcome then it ceases to exist to me. If someone or something interferes with this goal in anyway I get very agitated and have been told I become quite frightening when this happens.

I also can get lost in visual details and again when I get focused the rest of the world fades away completely.

As an example I was out and about with T- and I took this shot.

IMG_1361As an artist he noted that the lens of the camera looked like an iris and he found the way it opened and closed interesting. Spending more time on the other side of the camera this was new to me. So I turned it around and the only thing that existed for a long moment was my camera.

So T- took this shot.

AbbyI was not even aware that she had taken the shot until we got home and compared what we got.

Through photography I can first create those moments where the world narrows down to a single moment and the rest of the world falls away. It’s a wonderful place to be – when I’m doing what I love.

Some of the best shoots result in dirty knees and grass in my har. When it came time to photograph my old Basic Training boots that were a part of my life for almost two decades I had an epiphany about why I love photography.  

I put my boots by the door and started crawling around on the ground to take pictures of them. T- who is used to such things took no note of my being sprawled out on the floor taking a picture of a pair of old boots.

I love photography because I can share that moment. I can invite others to come with me and really see the world the way I do. For a moment you can join me in not just seeing a pair of old boots that are beyond repair. Instead you can write your own story about the journey they have been on. You see the scuffs and marks, you can see the tangle of laces. You can join me in finding joy in the tiny details of a pair of faithful friends.

That is why I call it Rose Colored Photography. Because I am aware of the ugliness in the world, and many times I face it head on. But then I put the camera strap around my neck, raise the viewfinder to my eye and I view the world through a Rose Colored Lens. And I invite you to join me in my Rose Colored World where there is beauty in the plain, the ugly, the common and decay.

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6 thoughts on “About

  1. Dang! How did I miss your blog when I was nominating for the Beautiful Blogger award?! Let me know when you get to MN, maybe we can take an upper midwest photo safari, as I am in WI 🙂

  2. As you know, I love your blog, your photos, and your commitment to becoming an outstanding photographer (which, if you ask me, you are doing a wonderful job of!). You have been encouraging, helpful, and in my short time as part of your blogging family, I have learned much from you. As thanks, and because you deserve it, I have nominated you for the R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. award. If you choose to participate, you can find the details here: http://bandcampstories.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=259&action=edit&message=6&postpost=v2

    Thank you for being such a great addition to my blogging family!

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