Best of 2013

1-IMG_9647I chose this as my Best of the year for the same reason I chose it for the monthly best of. It is the clearest and most compelling story to me. Others have good stories, some of the stories you only understand if you know what is behind the picture. But anyone who has ever taken a child up to meet a “character” and had them suddenly turn away knows what is happening here. There are a thousand details that tell me more, but anyone can build a complete narrative here. So we close out the year and I begin another year of photograhpy.

Growth II

For those who are following the riveting story of the vine that is growing off the back porch there is an important update. The Vine has turned. I went out and looked at the progress, and it’s now wrapped around the hook portion of the stand.

I was really excited – and then I found out that it received a little help from my mother. It would have eventually found the pole but she gave it a gentle shove.

It’s amazing how things in your life can distill down to tiny inconsequential details. In the larger scheme of things the vine finding the pole, and where it will wrap around next is really unimportant. But it’s a tiny little detail that has come to fascinate myself and T-.

It reminds me of The Red Wheelbarrow

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white
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